
Blue Sea Foundation's vision: A more generous world where charities thrive!

We’re super passionate about charities and the essential work they do. We believe in the power of charities to make the world better - that's why our vision is to see more of them thrive.

A thriving charity has the money needed to accomplish its mission this year and to grow its vision next year. A thriving charity is continually building buzz, momentum, and their bottom line - all while making a measurable impact.

Everyone's Best Interest

A society without charities striving to make life better for people and communities is unimaginable. But society often takes that impact for granted, and seldom takes stock of the true value of the charitable sector to everyone’s quality of life.

Helping charities thrive is in everyone’s best interests. A thriving charity delivers more service, provide better leadership to the community, and innovates more quickly, improving the lives of individuals, families, and communities

The Fundraising Challenge

Many charities that do stellar work need significant help with fundraising. The capacity of charities to attract support varies enormously.

Consider that there are over 170,000 charitable and nonprofit organizations in Canada, and 85,000 of these are registered charities. But in 2016, 10 large charities received 9% of all charitable giving by Canadians. And a total of 100 of Canada's largest charities received a third of all charitable giving.

Funding for charities is complex. Many receive significant government funding for programs, while many more do not. Some generate revenue through sales, such as thrift stores or other services. Some, like hospitals and universities, get a majority of their funds from the government, but are also investing heavily in public fundraising. But most charities are heavily dependent on individual donors.

Often, charities serving some of the neediest and most marginalized people need the greatest help in fundraising. Many smaller charities struggle to raise funds that would help them grow their impact. With few resources to innovate, experiment, or develop their staff, they are trapped on a plateau, unable to reach a higher level either of service or funding. Meanwhile, those charities directly serving at the sharpest edge of human need are often the ones who most need the boost in revenue, morale, skills, experience, and confidence. These are the tools that Blue Sea sets out to provide.

A Revival of Philanthropy

Canada needs a revival of philanthropy for a new generation.

Many reports document that fewer Canadians are giving, although donation amounts have risen. This is true in every age group except people over 60. This means that charities are relying on an ever-smaller number of people for donations... and those donors are aging rapidly.

Any analysis of this trend makes it clear that charities need to connect with new people, younger people, and in fresh ways. Donors need to feel engaged, and the interaction should be meaningful and beneficial for both parties.

Blue Sea events are calibrated to provide partners with the opportunity to provide constituents a significant, satisfying, and even fun engagement around a cause.

Our events are national in scope, but intensely local in execution. We strongly profile local partner charities. Participants and donors have an administrative relationship with Blue Sea but their emotional investment is in the event, and with the local partner charity.

Partner Grant Program

Blue Sea is a granting foundation... with a twist.

Unlike regular foundations, we have no endowment and don't accept applications for traditional grants. Our charity partners receive grants through our Partner Grant Program, and we consider those grants to be "earned" by participation in Blue Sea events.

Through approval and participation in one (or more) of our national peer-to-peer fundraising events, Canadian social service charities can earn their grant through their successful recruiting and fundraising efforts. The more successful a partner charity, the larger the "earned grant."

When coupled with our hands-on coaching, our peer-to-peer event fundraising campaign delivers a reliable return on investment, an engaged community of support, greater awareness, and valuable knowledge of events and fundraising.

As one of our charity partners said:

"Participating in your events is more reliable than any traditional grant application - I know if I invest the hours into my campaign, I will get the grant I want at the end."

Financial Reporting

Blue Sea Philanthropy Inc. is the legal name for Blue Sea Foundation.

Our financial statements have been prepared in accordance with widely-accepted Canadian accounting principles for not-for-profit organizations, as established by the Accounting Standards Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Our charity number is #819882655RR0001 - visit our CRA listing page.

Every $1 invested in our charitable program produced $2.63 in earned grants.

Blue Sea Foundation

Questions about Blue Sea Foundation?
info@bluesea.org | 1.877.743.3413